Blue Sky applications

Blue Sky applications

Blue Sky #1 - The logistics industry

What happens currently:

At the moment, logistics businesses can track trucks and containers via GPS and are able to monitor, in a limited fashion, container 'conditions' such as vibration, temperature and moisture. It's not bad, but it's not great either. This is the 21st Century after all.

How Freestyle could change the game:

With our technology, businesses can really get a handle on what's happening, how it's happening and where it's happening. You could have Freestyle Microengine enabled sensors within your container - or even within your payload, down to individual boxes and packages. Imagine the following scenario:


A container receives its destination remotely from your back-end. As a truck approaches the container, the container's FME talks to the FME on the truck, making sure it's loaded onto the right truck (an all too common problem at the moment!). Now the container 'talks' to the cargo, learns that it's quite fragile and passes this information onto the truck's systems, which navigate the most optimal, 'bump-free' route. Nice.


If the payload is refrigerated, the packages can alert the container to their optimal temperature thresholds, and the refrigeration system can turn on and off to accommodate. (Currently, refrigeration systems run non-stop. A costly scenario in the transport world).


So now the package arrives. The recipient is notified where and when, the status (say, temperature etc.) as is the sender and the logistics operator. Everyone's happy.


Blue Sky #2 - e-Health and the Aged Care industries

What happens currently:

Currently, most solutions for aged-care revolve around a wearable device. When the person is in trouble a 'button' is pushed and a notification is sent out. Usually one notification to one single end-point.

How Freestyle could change the game:

FME enabled wearable devices could provide far more data, better response times (and more appropriate response) as well as alerting multiple end-points (including relatives) all at the same time. These FME enabled devices could monitor a range of situations, from temperature, sudden movement (indicating a possible fall), heart rate and any number of measurements currently monitorable, but also currently 'comms mute'. i.e. they can generally only display data locally.


Once a device threshold (temperature, heart-rate, etc) is reached, all relevant end-points, from doctors to ambulances or even insulin pumps can be alerted and/or activated. The FME could trigger the house-lights to flash, (even street lights!) alerting neighbours and emergency personnel to respond rapidly.


This is M2M our way. We make M2M happen and we can make it happen for you too.


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